Project Overview

The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) has retained AECOM Canada Ltd. (AECOM) to update the Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for Highway 6 South from Highway 403 to Upper James Street (“the Project”), in the City of Hamilton. The proposed works under this update will include developing, reviewing, and evaluating alternatives for the widening/twinning of Highway 6 South from two lanes to four lanes as well as interchange and intersection improvements.

This Project will follow the approved planning process for a Group ‘A’ project under the MTO Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (amended 2000) (Class EA) and will include the preparation of an updated Preliminary Design, undertake an updated EA, and complete a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR).


The previous relevant study within the Highway 6 South corridor is the 1987 Preliminary Design and EA for Highway 6 South from Hamilton to Caledonia (W.P. 36-84-00). EA approval with conditions was received in 1992 from the Minister of the Environment under Order in Council 3640/92. Following an internal review confirming immediate need for a two-lane Highway between Highway 403 and Upper James Street, the existing Highway 6 South and structures at Butter Road, Glancaster Road and White Church Road West were constructed.

To accommodate the expansion of Highway 6 south to four lanes, improvements are required at the Highway 403 interchange, Garner Road East, Book Road East, Airport Connection Road and the terminus of Highway 6 at Upper James Street.

Study Process

This Project will follow the approved planning process for a Group ‘A’ project under the MTO Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (amended 2000) (Class EA). The Project Team will review the commitments made during the 1987 EA Study, as well as assess any new impacts and recommend mitigation measures.

Process Diagram

Review previous studies, background information and conduct engineering and environmental investigations to identify existing conditions and inform design alternatives.

Update the Preliminary Design and develop alternatives based on current MTO design standards.

Identify evaluation criteria to evaluate alternatives.

Present design alternatives to the public in Public Information Centre (PIC) #1.

Evaluate alternatives and select the Preliminary Design Recommended Plan

Present the Preliminary Design Recommended Plan at PIC #2

five-pointed star WE ARE HERE

Complete the Recommended Plan of the Preferred Alternatives

Complete the Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) and make available for comment

File Notice of Completion

If you have any accessibility requirements in order to review this report and/or supporting documents, please contact the Project Team via email at or by telephone at 905-418-1475.